Fit to Work as Tech

If you’re considering a career as an Unmanned System pilot and operator or you are an expert and wish to increase your safety in the workplace the first thing you must do is obtain an Unmanned Remotely Controlled and Autonomous Vehicles (URCAV) or Fit To Work medical fit certificate.

The URCAV (Fit To Work) medical examination under DIA Medical Guidelines must be carried out at a DIA Med&Fit Approved Centre.

The medical examination takes a few hours, it includes medical history, general physical check, “mental” (emotional disengagement, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome – PTSD, emotional exhaustion, burnout, color vision, eyesight, hearing, Electrocardiogram (ECG), calculation of cardiovascular risk, lung function, blood and urine tests included (substance dependence and substance abuse).

A medical certificate is issued on the same day of the exam if all requirements are met.

All medical certificates are issued by a medical doctor or medical centre DIA Partner. An URCAV/Fit To Work certificate is valid for 2 years from the date it is issued.

Overseas Equivalency Table

Equivalency Table